As we continue to ambitiously push forward with our business plan, we sometimes find ourselves spiraling into the world of bad jokes and ridiculous merchandise ideas. Fortunately, we've managed to pull ourselves back into reality...for now.
Recent deliveries to the farm include about 100 pair of alpaca socks, 2 dozen mittens, essential lavender oils, several acres worth of wildflower seed, glamping tents, packaging supplies, and marketing materials. The parting phrase to the delivery driver is almost always, "see you next week!"

It's been a busy few months, but we are determined to provide holiday offerings in our online farm shop, and hopefully, participate in some seasonal markets to introduce ourselves to the community.
Next on the never-ending purchasing list is our spring plant order, having already secured over 500 tulip bulbs for fall planting.
At times I wonder if we have lost our minds completely, but then I remember that we have to be at least a little crazy to do any of this!